FINEPRINT @ International Resource Politics Conference
The FINEPRINT team organised a special session at the 2nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics that took place in Innsbruck from 28th of February to 2nd of March. The session was entitled “FINEPRINT: geospatial assessments of the environmental impacts of global resource extraction”.
We focused our input presentation and related discussions on research in Work Stream 1, where we map the global extraction of agricultural production and mining of metal ores and fossil fuels on a fine geographical scale and assess the environmental impacts related to these extraction activities.
Input presentations covering agriculture, mining and water
The four input presentations can be downloaded here:
Stefan Giljum: Moving material flow analysis from the national to the spatially explicit level
Victor Maus: Using global crop maps to improve the estimation of impacts associated with biomass production
Mirko Lieber: Creating global extraction maps for non-renewable resources
Stephan Lutter: Assessing water inputs of global mining activities